Thursday, April 29, 2010

P terbaeek!

hehehehe.. excited habiss!! hahaha x sangka gilaa aku boleh pass jpj test hari nie. hehe. mmg surprisin' lah. but yet,yeah,im so grateful. x sia2 jgak lah aku reg drivin class kt metrodrivin academy. :)

actually aku mmg x expect nk pass pun td,cz aku mmg byk gilaa buat silaap! on the track,aku dh salah ikot jalan. on the road plak,aku maen masuk je jln org,wpun bg signal,tp aku x tgk kete blakang or tepi kete aku. hehehe.. n yeah,jpj officer tuh lecture macam2 jgaak lah kt aku.. dlm kete time tuh aku mmg ingat dh nk fail dh nie,cmfirm!! tup tup bilaa die bg aku borang test tuh,tekejot aku! aku dapat 18/20!!! hahaha quite high jugak lah. mmg byk kali aku cakap thanks kt jpj officer tuh,cz aku sendiri x caya aku boleh pass ngn the way i drove the car at tht moment. hehehe.. but yeah,i did it well! :)

family aku pn x caya aku pass td. hehe. adik aku,si apit,siap ckp mcm nie :

"alah,kakya goda org jpj tuh,dat's y lah lulus!"

hahaha mmg x lah adek oii! kau ingat kakak kau nie senang2 jer ke nk goda2 org.. ohhoho! mmg x okey ? i just being friendly with that jpj officer. cz die pun borak2 ngn aku. x kan aku nk buat sombong plak.. rite? dia siap boleh buat lawak plak kt dlm kete tuh,seb baek lah aku boleh cntrol lg time tuh.. hehe..

so,rite now aku dh sangat lega. x pyh dh nk pening2 pk psal lesen kete. x pyh nk dgr parentz aku pot pet pasal lesen kete lg! hehehe.. parents aku pun excited bilaa aku dh dpt lesen P nie.. n dorg dh siap lantik aku jd the new driver in my family! hahaha.. boleh caya ke kakya drive kete nie? ehehehe.. yahoo!! im so relieved n excited now! this shud come along with a celebration!!! yabedabeduuu~ :D

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

drama dunia.

well,lately,i realised that byk tol dugaan yg menimpa aku. after one another. mcm2 lahh.. smpai kn aku sendri x dpt nk berpk ngn WARAS. almost insane jgak lah aku nie. mcm2 yg aku pk. psal family,friends. love? so far love stuff is on the bottom. on top,FRIENDS. :(
aku dh give up lah dgn ragam kawan kawan aku kt aku. the way they treat me,the way they stab me. smpai kn aku nk marah,dh x boleh. dh xda api marah dalam hati aku nie. apa yg aku rs cuma kesal. kesal ngn some of my so-called friends actions. apa salah aku kt korg eh? babe,if korg x suka attitude aku,attire aku,the way i talk,just b frank with me. salah aku mmg aku x nampak. korg yg menilai aku,yg nampak attitude aku,so u tell me whats wrong with me. what makes u guys hate me so much! apasal aku nk mrh plak kalo korg b frank ngn aku? btol x? dr korg ckp2 blakang aku,pastu makin' ur own speculations bout me,its better u guys come clean with me. heart to heart. xde lah korg nk pk bkn2 psal aku n aku pn xda nya nk anti kat korg. okey?

lg satu msalah nya skrg,aku rs aku dh ada reporter kt pge fb aku. yg mngadu everything yg happened kt page aku kt ex aku. wtf!!? get a life lah babe. korg advice aku suruh move on,n whn im move on u guys talk bad shit bout me. wth? dgr sini okey,aku dh x kisah lah ngn hidup ex aku tuh. biar lah die nk buat apa pun. die pun x pnh kisah ngn apa yg jd kt aku. so,yg korg over sangat nk report itu ini kt die apehal? to make me look bad? to make me look like a mean girl? apa msalah korg nie? ish. come on ah. please stop this stupid reportin stuff okey? u make urself look like a very terrible friend. serioushit! jgn sbb lelaki,our friendship tunggang langgang babe. die bkn hebat pun,so i dont give a damn at all.

so,after this aku mmg kne berhati hati bila nk berkwn. cz sekrg,aku realise that mmg x boleh nk percaya semua kawan kawan aku. cz certain friends aku nie berkwn ngn aku ada niat. niat busuuk! keji sial. n aku plg trasa ngn attitude kwn kwn aku mcm nie.. aku bg trust aku kt korg,tp korg betray aku. sedih gilaa! tp xper,aku biar kn korg dgn game korg. tp,kalo korg terus terusan nk jd mcm nie,so i guess, x pyh dh lah nk jd friends aku k? i dont need this kind of peps to b my friends. aku bkn jenis nk penuhkn friendlist aku,either in fb or in reality. this is the fact i hve to face. n with all this,it makes me strong. n buat hati aku makin berair,xberapi mcm dlu lg.. so,thank you.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

kawan makan kawan :)

sakit.. sangat.. tp ini lah dunia. n dlm dunia nie,ini lah yg some of human being love to do. betray his/her own friend. for his/her own good. so fuckin' selfish!!! bgus lah apa yg kau buat kt aku nie.. ntah lah babe,aku dh xtao nk rs apa. mrk ke sedih ke cemburu ke? ntah lahh.. apa lahh salah aku kt kau smpai kau buat aku mcm niie? apa masalah kau dgn aku? aku nie ganggu idop kau ke slama nie? selama nie aku percaya dekat kau,share everything dgn kau tp kau stab aku kn? nice! aku x bengang dengan apa yg kau buat kt aku skrg,tp aku terkilan,kau org yg aku trust sgup khianat aku.. KHIANAT!! mintak2 tuhan yg esa nie,LAKHNAT kau! takot x?? tp time kau KHIANAT aku,kau x tkot pun kn? apa punya manusia lah kau nie.. aku terkilan dgn kau sbb kau x respect aku s ur friend. ur own friend babe! oh my god. aku ingt aku x kn kne betray ngn kwn2 aku sndri,but congrats,u're the first!! if ini yg kau nak.. go ahead lah babe. aku xde kne mngena ngn idop kau dh.. aku trust kau slama nie,tp ini yg aku dapat kn? so x pyh lah aku nak layan kau dgn baek lg.. oke? for whom this may concern,bukak lah mata,bukak lah hati. kau x hebat mana pun. :)

Friday, April 16, 2010

there he goes..

huhuuu im kinda sad actually rite now. the guy that im interested in is no longer available. i guess he's with somebody else rite now! uwaaa! y cepat sgt die dpt peganti? die x tao ker aku suka kt die all this while? haha.. its ok lah, i hve to deal with it. myb i m not for him. well,im happy for him too. cz he already has someone with him! :)
i really wanna c him to b happy. thou not with me. :)
he helps me a lot,n i know i can't pay back of all the good things he has done for me. n now,i'm glad he's happy with his girl. :)

well,actually,i dont exactly know either he already has a girl or not, because he didnt change his relationship status at his fb. he still "single". hehehe..
i dont care lah,s long he still with me thou only s a friend. n a guardian. :)
we will never be apart again. promise! hehehee.. <3 <3 <3


ape lagi yang kau nak dr aku? kau yg tinggal kn aku. aku x pernah minx d lepaskn. n skrg kau hina aku,dpn kwn2 kau,kwn2 aku. kenapa kasih syg yg kita bina slama nie dh btukar jd benci? jd dendam? after kita break, kau boleh lg bermanja ngn prempuan lain kt pge kau. aku tgu kau msj aku,ada kau msj? even once? kau teros msj perempuan lain kn? smpai skrg aku ingt. "nk majok lah.. i msj u,u x reply". kalo kau kt tmpat aku, kau rs x ape yg aku rs? semalaman aku tgu kau msj,msj jer,x harap kau call,tp kau msj prempuan lain. kn??? itu yg kau ckp kau cinta sgt dkat aku?hmm .. is that what u called love?

kau jgn ingat kau hebat sgt.. kawan2 yg rpt dgn kau,dorg tao prangai sbenar kau n dorg snggup jujur ngn aku.. laki n prempuan. so kau expect aku x kn pcaya ckp dorg? aku snggup pcaya ckp dorg dr ckp buaya mcm kau!!! sayang,keluarga kau baek,aku rs dord dh bg didikan yg ckup utk kau,tp kau tkde akal utk berfikir. aku tao kau x warak,kau jrg solat. jgn kau tanya siapa yg bgtahu aku semua nie. tanya lah kwn2 kau,brapa kali aku nanges dpn dorg,aku minx pndpt dorg mcm mne nk jd gf yg baek utk kau. sbb aku berharap idop dgn kau. aku bg seluruh jiwa aku kt kau.. utk kau simpan,utk kau hargai. tp kau x pnh rs apa yg aku rs.

mmg aku kuat cemburu,cemburu buta. tp ada kau pk knapa? mmg aku ada ckp,aku x kisah dgn ms lepas kau.. tp mkin lama aku makin curiga. smpai aku stalk kau,n habis 1 fb kau aku bc. bukan sorg bukan 2 org kau dh pnh maenkn prasaan,tp banyak. kenapa? kenapa kau mesti nk maen kn prasaan perempuan? kau x pk ke ape yg dorg rs? kalo kau ada adk prempuan,n dorg buat adk kau mcm nie,apa agak2 kau nk buat? tengok jer. rs happy ke bila adik kau kne mcm nie?

aku bodoh sangat sbb terlalu percaya kt kau.. terlalu mudah bg cinta aku dekat kau. kau cuma main kan prasaan aku. kau musnahkn impian yg kau cipta sndri. kau bg harapan palsu kt aku.. slama aku dgn kau,aku rs kau malu sgt bila dgn aku. kau xnk pegang tgn aku. alasan kau? kau dh biasa mcm nie. if aku snggup berubah demi kau,knapa kau x? kau hypocrite dgn aku!! dalam hati kau x pnh ada aku kn? gambar kita,aku dh bakar. kau bakar lah gambar yg aku pnh bg kat kau. dlu pun kau malu nk letak gambar aku dlm wallet kau. so x hairan pun kalo kau nk bakar gambar tuh skrg.. still the same.

"hidup aku lebih bahagia dgn ketiadaan perempuan itu." aku tao kau mmg bahagia tanpa aku. sbb kau boleh bersayang dgn semua prempuan. kau sgt murah dengan prempuan prempuan tuh. frankly,kau yg kt fb x sama dgn kau yg in reality. aku pnh jd gf kau,so aku tao kau nie macam mana! aku dh dgr byk sgt crita psal kau. n mostly negative. n negative plak sgt tepat! sgt mencirikan diri kau! kau hanya brani bersuara kt fb. kt depan aku,kau brani ke? even aku call kau time kita break tuh,kau x brani jwb. alasan kau? kau dalam clss lah. kau mls nk dgr suara yg hina kau lah. aku tau kau mmg CHICKEN! kau bukan lelaki yg berani.

n yes! aku gembira sbb aku x bersama lelaki CHICKEN!

aku berterima kasih dekat kau. sbb kau buat aku sedar jenis2 laki kt dunia nie.. n kebanyakan nya mmg haprak mcm kau. kau ingt dgn status kau kt fb tuh,aku takot? aku boleh lawan dgn kau kalo itu yg kau nak. i dont need any weapons to kill u,i cn only use my TONGUE! MY WORDS! n i mke sure u r goin down u idiot. org yg aku pnh sayang,yg aku pnh cinta,in the end jd musuh aku sendiri.. kau musuh lelaki pertama aku! sampai mati aku x kn lupa kn kau. kau pnh ckp kau maafkn aku,tp lepas apa yg kau tulis kt status kau tuh,tuh tandanya kau maaf kn aku? kau pun butar belit. serioushit,siapa yg stay dengan kau mmg malang. sayang,umor kau dh 23. tp prangai kau x langsung mcm 23. u r such a kid!

kau nk teros berdendam dgn aku.. go ahead. i let u win this time. cz i got no time to waste for a guy like u. aku dh bahagia sekrg. being with u was a WASTE! goodluck with ur LIES.

to the girls yg rpt ngn mamat nie,just be careful. aku bgtau nie bkn sbb aku cemburu,langsung x,aku cuma xnk kau tertipu,n akhirnya kau berdendam dgn dia n kau dh x mula percaya dekat lelaki. tactic die sng,ayt2 manis die. sbb aku pun dlu cair ngn die sbb ayt bodoh die tuh. aku tao korg x kn pcaya apa yg aku ckp. up to u girls. u girls r big enuff to think n to judge. kalo si mamat nie x bg big impact dlm idop aku,aku x kn post blog nie.

kau hina aku dgn status kau kn? aku balas d blog aku. aku x larat nk layan BUDAK mcm kau. even my lil sis,8 yrs old girl,noe how to think,rather than u! pathetic. -the end

Thursday, April 15, 2010

break your heart - taio cruz

if u fall for me
i'm not easy to pleased
i might tear u apart
i told u from the start
baby, from the start
i'm only gonna break break n break break ur heart

hahaha damn! i love this lyric fuckin' much! it suits me well!! haha :D
im not goin to let other guys outside there to easily get me. no no no. u gotta try harder baby! because previously,i gave my love so damn easy n im not gonna repeat it again this time.. if u wanna me to b with u n if u wanna my love,planned well. use smart strategies n never ever b a LOSER ! okey ?

oh oh.. it comes again!

oh oh.. dalam diam aku ada perasaan kt si dia? oh shit man! is it for real??? hohohoho..
okey,its just that i like him oke! nothing more.. i guess! hehehe =)
i dont wanna tell him what i feel for him. cz it will b so embarrassed for me!! hahaha
so i think,i just keep it for myself.
i like this feelin'. n yeah,it's okey if i'm not goin to b his gf in reality.. hehe :)
ohh god, let him stay here with me.. s my closest friend.. :)

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


hari ini otak aku serabot sangat. n skali lagi,yes,sbb ex aku yg x brapa nk pandai tuhh.. i tot he has change. but i was wrong,he will never change.. i dont know what he wants in his life. the only thing he knows to do is playin with a girl's heart! stupid betoll.. kau nie baek x pyh jd laki lah,u mke urself look like a LOSER! sebab kau aku mkin mnyampah dgn gelagat certain of guys tao x? korg nie sama jer! yg korg tao guna ayt manis to mke u guys look so hot? but for me,hahaha.. u guys look so CHEAP & DESPERADO! bloody idiot.

one thing i shud thank u is becoz u open my eyes,n mke me to not easily trust in guys especially when it comes to love. yeah, i did feel fishy when i was ur gf n when i was around you. ur attitude was awkward n odd. but i didnt realised back then. only now i discover the truth! n yes, u sucks man!! hahaha

otak aku sangat serabot skrg sbb aku x boleh nk trime lelaki yg nk kt aku skrg nie.. lelaki yg nk bg kasih sayang or so-called CINTA dia kt aku.. aku kecian kt die.. aku marah kt diri aku, because i was haunted by my past. sbb cinta aku yg sucks,effect dri aku yg skrg. n yes, skrg aku betol2 rs mcm RIA QISTINA,gadis yg sangat2 benci kn cinta. n x pcaya pd cinta. dlu,aku nk sgt jd mcm die,tp x boleh sbb aku terlalu ingin dicintai n mencintai. tp skrg,lepas mcm2 dh aku alami with my exs,aku rs rimas n stupid sangat sbb sng sgt fall in love with guys. n in the end,i suffered myself n put the blames on others.

my friends always said to me tht i hve to move on.. but guys,its not easy to move on without thinkin wht had happened to me previously. i dont want the same thing happened to my future. yeah, maybe i was thinkin too much. its because i dont wanna hurt anyone else. i hve to think bout myself n him s well.. i wasnt being selfish for not accpetin other guy's love,but i just can't let myself to b loved by him n i cant love him like he did to me! efforts from one part r not worth it. both have to take actions.

aku mengaku yg skrg nie aku mmg ada shortlist some guys yg aku terpk utk couple. n yes, i do LIKE them! but whn it comes to the matter of love,i dont think i cn love them back. aku mmg suka dgn some of my guy friends n intend to b more than just friends,but not now. thats y aku berkwn jer dgn dorg skrg.. aku x mao commitment skrg. sbb dri aku sndri x ok,mcm mne nk havin another person in my life?

dats y sekrg nie aku slalu sakit kepala.. mcm2 yg aku pk.. aku xboleh kalo x pk hal nie,thou for u guys it may looks so simple n no need to think bout it. but not to me.. i wish i cn forget everything bad tht happens in my life. cz it gves so much pain to me.. seriously,otak aku sakiiit wehh!! :(

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

menanti detik 12.30pm


menjadi RACER jalanan sementara waktu !

RACER lah sangat, kau.


pelepas geram!

bila kawan2 aku bad mood or moody rasa-rasa nya aku lah tempat dorg lepas kn dorg.. dengan tiba-tiba! aku ponn x tao knapa kwn2 aku yg mcm nie lepas kn marah or geram diorg kt aku.. kenapa eh? sebab aku nmpak lembot? sbb slama nie ape dorg ckp aku yer kn jer? sbb aku x pnh nk sound-sound dorg or marah kn dorg dgn spenuh hati aku??? kadang-kadang aku terkilan jgak dgn attitude kwn2 aku yg mcm nie. korg bila ada msalah,bila tgh bengang lepaskn kt aku! korg ingt aku nie xda prasaan ker? aku ker yg buat korg bengang? org lain yg buat taek kt korg,aku plak yg kne.. that's very fair of u!

aku dh mls nk bertelagah ngn korg yg aku still anggap sbg kwn. korg nk lepaskn geram kt aku go ahead lah.. sbb time korg ssh mmg korg cr aku pnya. xpyh aku nk g cr korg.. tp ingat lah kwn2 ku,jgn slalu buat org lain mcm nie. lama2 org akn naek mnyampah ngn prangai korg n dh mls nk rpt ngn korg dh.. aku ponn dh trasa mcm tuh! bila ngn aku jerr nk emo. ngn bdk2 lain x brani plak kau nk let go anger kau tuh,kt aku jgak kau buat kn? terima kasih sgt lah. nie aku dpt sbb jd kwn kau slama nie.. its oke babe. aku redha. kdg2 ponn aku dh give up dgn mainan dunia nie. tp aku still move on to live. xkn sbb org2 mcm korg aku nk pissed off kt kwn2 aku yg lain plak.. mmg x lah kn!

for whom it may concern, berubahlah! kau slalu ada msalah sbb kau tuh yg bmasalah.. n please,don't involve other peps in ur probs too. its a very stupid action! kau lg kuat agama dr aku,so i guess u shud know how to control ur anger n ur emotions. berubah oke? cz aku xnk terus-terusan jd mangsa kemarahan kau! RIMAS tao x????? THANK YOU.

Monday, April 12, 2010

my type :)

well this post goes to some of my friends that keep on askin' me what type of guy that interest me n will bcome my next boyfriend.. my answer is..

has a very pleased look. i love to stare into his eyes when i talk to him.
hygiene priority. especially his nails n fingers.
so so so taller than me! so that i can wear heels whn im with him. =)
very fashionable. up to date lahh.. xmao slekeh sangat. hehe.
share susah n senang together with me.
he treats me like his own bestfriend,not just a gf.
kalo boleh nk yg, non-smokin. but if he's a smoker,i wudn't mind. macho! haha
his life is stabilize. i prefer a workin' man actually.
well,for now i tink i nid someone that is much more older than me. younger? idts.. =)
tahu selok-belok agama.
respect my parents n me s well.
respect my social life,cz i love to hangout with my buddies.
accept me for who i m, a sexy girl. hehehe
last but not least,a faithful,honest n loyal i damn hate HYPOCRITE N LIARS!!!

so.. these r some of the characteristics that i look in a guy for now. n so far i haven't met one yet. i akn update these characteristics from time to time.. oke? hee.. have fun readin!

i dont know..

i dont know what's happenin' to us. y u act this way with me? wht have i done to u?
if i done somethin bad to u please let me know. cz rite now,i dont know what r my mistakes to u.. y u suddenly b so cold to me? i m comfortable being ur friend. there's nothing more i want from u. please stop this question mark. just spit out what was in ur mind n tell me.. u mke me feel bad. n i don't like this feeling..

im sorry if ive hurt u.. i didn't mean it,my friend.. :)
have a lovely day! =)

y should i trust u? rite?

yes,i tot u r diff frm other guys ive known. but then,i realised that u r just s same s other jerks outside there that r so cheap with sweet words. i don't know what's wrong with u peps tht like to use 'darling','honey','sweetheart','baby','SAYANG' to call other girls. is that normal for u guys or it's not normal for me???

i call al my friends babe. cz for me,its just a called-name. n i only call "SAYANG" to my girl friends. not my guy friends. so i guess we both r diff in callin our friends rite? i noe i wasn't the best for u n yes, i guess u r not the best for me either. all this while u make me believe in u n tot u r so far diff from other men,but i guess i was wrong. i shouldn't think only good things bout u. cz in this world, peps have good n bad side. n u too! u give me hope to love u,but all i feel right now is DISGUST! u're disgust me!

i'm sorry cz i don't wanna be with u. u mke me hate guy's love even more! y? if u love me,if u really wanna me to b ur girl,u shud start the action. wht do u expect from me? i'm not that kind of girl that will start the first move. yes,i m an old-fashioned type of girl when it comes to love. if u dont start the first move,u'll loose me. easy! i'm not goin to wait for u after this.. enough is enough with all ur shit-love for me! i've no respect for u.. u r just the same,same!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

i leave this to god..

will i ever hve the power to control someone? is it fair enough? thou we r just friends rite now,but i dont know y i get jealous whenever that fella were so friendly with other chicks. yeah, this is my biggest fear. i'm so afraid to fall in love because of this. i don't wanna be a controller in someone's life. y is it so hard for me to trust my boy? why why why? i can't have him fully. he's not mine yet. we r still not bounded by a legal relationship. seriously, i hate this feelin.

thou i said so many times that i don't wanna be in love with anyone rite now,but deep inside my heart,i wanna b someone's lover. i want to! its like this,one body with two souls,two persons controllin' a body. one part of me,wanted so much to fall in love again. another one,"nadia.. love is a bullshit! u will never get a true love.. all u will gain is PAIN cz guys shudnt be trusted." so, whenever this thought came into my mind,straight away i pull myself back from fallin' in love with any man. only god know hows it feels like..

yeah,its easy for other peps to say "u havent met the right one,all this while u were bump into jerks,who's takin advantage on u". y must this kind of guys treat me this way? is it because of my JEALOUSY? if u guys really love me like u always said,y can't u change me? change my mentality? n straight away change my jealousy disease. i realised one thing bout my previous exs,i had so much fun when we were friends,but when we further to the next level,we've changed ourselves totally. we r not like we used to be.

so from there,i knew,that no guys will understand me. will being able to change me. to a better person. i can't help myself on my own. n sometimes,i need guidance. but unfortunate for me,the RIGHT GUY for mw r not here yet. n i don't know who will it be. n when will he appears in my life. all i cn do now is just,wait. n keep on waitin. cz its impossible for me to search my right guy. i just wish the right guy for me doesnt appears now,cz seriously,i m so not into this serious relationship stuff yet.

i just wanna be alone.. i don't mind to be called a lonely girl. because when i were two,i feel alone s well.. so what's the diff? i'm lookin forward to a bright life,with a great fortune,n yeah,with the one who loves me for who i m. :)

Monday, April 5, 2010

the THING called LOVE.

CINTA SEORANG KEKASIH,APAKAH? cinta yg manusia agung2 kn,yg manusia kejar2 kn.. yeah, i was one these kind of peps b4. i was so wanted to hve my true love n i was hopin' so much for it but then i was being smack by this LOVE in the end. so wht for i want this love now? y must i love some1 n gve my precious love to some1? cz all tht i get is pain,grudge,n hurt. i've faced it so many times, so i know how it feels like to b betrayed by the one who u love. n that's y i dont need a GUY'S LOVE anymore. cz i know the same thing will happen to me. i can't see any beauty in the love that most couple wanted. y must we get suffered for the one tht we love so much? n y must our partner hurt us like they got no feelings at all by doin' it?

i cant' love anyone rite now. any guy. or a guy. i can't. thou how much i need his love so badly,but i have to pull back myself. because i know, when he's with me, all i cn gve to him is hurt. n s time goes by, that love will change into HATRED. yes. im tellin u the truth. i don't want my love to b suffered with me. yes,i rather to let him free n b with some1 else rather than seeing him suffering with me. y shud i gve a man another chance but in the end it will b a big mistake for both of us. love ain't always pretty. n that's for sure. n that's what i've been through now.

whenever boys ask me to b their lover,all that came into my mind was " u deserve some1 much better than me. not this evil person. not this bad girl ". in my heart,i can't feel any love. so how come i wanna love u like what u expected frm me. i can't!!! because.. I HATE LOVE. I HATE A GUY'S LOVE. this life is not like in the fantasy love story like we've been told during our childhood. this is the REALITY! n love ain't always pretty s it sounds like..

ive closed my heart to love any guy. all i need rite now is my FRIENDS. even a bf can't help u like FRIENDS do. i rather sacrifice myself for my friends than sacrifice my precious love to the one who is just pretendin to love me..
I CAN'T LOVE U LIKE I USED TO BECAUSE FOR ME BEING IN LOVE IS LIKE LETTIN' URSELF SUICIDE. love will gives u pain n hurts u n u'll die slowly because of it. n i'm not goin to risky myself once again.


Thursday, April 1, 2010

in love again.. but..

b4 this aku ingt smpai bila2 aku nk berdendam ngn dia.. yes,sbb aku bengang gila dgn apa yg dia buat kt aku.. but now,i dont feel like wht i used to. i tink i hve no grudge on him now. :)

yes,i hve forgive him but still i can't forget what he has done to me. only god knows how i feel. what he has dont to me does gve impact to my life now. i become a person who is hard to believe in a guy's love n i keep on remindin myself to not fall in love again. un4tunately, i'm not that strong to not feel IN LOVE again. hehe..

i don't know if this what u call love.. or is it only a crush? i don't know.. but yes,i'm so comfortable when i'm with him. he calms me. whatever he says to me,mkes me smile. i wish i cn be with him but i guess i can't. i dont wanna repeat the same mistake again. i know who i m. n i know myself very well. i can't b a good gf. i know i can't. the only thing tht i can do is just hurtin' him again n again. n of course i don't wanna do that to the one tht i love. hurtin' a person tht i love will gve me so much pain. n i can't bear it.

so i decided to remain s his friend for now. i'm not sure if he's willin to wait for me to be with me. well,it's oke if he's givin' up on me n want to be with some1 else. i'm not goin' to blame him because,if being with another girl cn mke him happy,y shud i be sad? rite? i just want to see him happy thou we can't be together s a lover. but i m so glad to b his friend for now.. :)

he has brighten my life n he didn't feel ashamed to be with me. :)
thank you for being with me all this while thou only s a friend. but i'm grateful to have u s my bestest friend babe. i'm damn glad! :)
let's just pray that we will be together one day n i will never hurt u like i used to do to my exs. :)