well,lately,i realised that byk tol dugaan yg menimpa aku. after one another. mcm2 lahh.. smpai kn aku sendri x dpt nk berpk ngn WARAS. almost insane jgak lah aku nie. mcm2 yg aku pk. psal family,friends. love? so far love stuff is on the bottom. on top,FRIENDS. :(
aku dh give up lah dgn ragam kawan kawan aku kt aku. the way they treat me,the way they stab me. smpai kn aku nk marah,dh x boleh. dh xda api marah dalam hati aku nie. apa yg aku rs cuma kesal. kesal ngn some of my so-called friends actions. apa salah aku kt korg eh? babe,if korg x suka attitude aku,attire aku,the way i talk,just b frank with me. salah aku mmg aku x nampak. korg yg menilai aku,yg nampak attitude aku,so u tell me whats wrong with me. what makes u guys hate me so much! apasal aku nk mrh plak kalo korg b frank ngn aku? btol x? dr korg ckp2 blakang aku,pastu makin' ur own speculations bout me,its better u guys come clean with me. heart to heart. xde lah korg nk pk bkn2 psal aku n aku pn xda nya nk anti kat korg. okey?
lg satu msalah nya skrg,aku rs aku dh ada reporter kt pge fb aku. yg mngadu everything yg happened kt page aku kt ex aku. wtf!!? get a life lah babe. korg advice aku suruh move on,n whn im move on u guys talk bad shit bout me. wth? dgr sini okey,aku dh x kisah lah ngn hidup ex aku tuh. biar lah die nk buat apa pun. die pun x pnh kisah ngn apa yg jd kt aku. so,yg korg over sangat nk report itu ini kt die apehal? to make me look bad? to make me look like a mean girl? apa msalah korg nie? ish. come on ah. please stop this stupid reportin stuff okey? u make urself look like a very terrible friend. serioushit! jgn sbb lelaki,our friendship tunggang langgang babe. die bkn hebat pun,so i dont give a damn at all.
so,after this aku mmg kne berhati hati bila nk berkwn. cz sekrg,aku realise that mmg x boleh nk percaya semua kawan kawan aku. cz certain friends aku nie berkwn ngn aku ada niat. niat busuuk! keji sial. n aku plg trasa ngn attitude kwn kwn aku mcm nie.. aku bg trust aku kt korg,tp korg betray aku. sedih gilaa! tp xper,aku biar kn korg dgn game korg. tp,kalo korg terus terusan nk jd mcm nie,so i guess, x pyh dh lah nk jd friends aku k? i dont need this kind of peps to b my friends. aku bkn jenis nk penuhkn friendlist aku,either in fb or in reality. this is the fact i hve to face. n with all this,it makes me strong. n buat hati aku makin berair,xberapi mcm dlu lg.. so,thank you.
oit aki!
nape idup kau penuh sengsara babe?
asal aku bace blog kau je bace tul dugaan